The story of the LLP «Karaganda Zholdary» existence began in October 1934 under the name of the Department of Highway and unformed roads of mechanical transport. In connection with the joint-stockicizing processes in 1993, «Oblavtodor» was transformed into JSC «Karaganda Zholdary» , and in 2004 into LLP «Karaganda Zholdary». Over the years of work activity, LLP «Karaganda Zholdary» has built more than 4,200 km. highways, more than 100 large and small bridges and overpasses.
LLP «Karaganda Zholdary», headed by Chairman of the Board Mukhazhanov Ardak Baltabekovich, continues the glorious traditions of Kazakhstan's Road workers.
The core business of the partnership is:

Road construction

Maintenance and repairs of roads

Construction and repairs of overpasses and bridges

Production and producing of road construction materials

Hold The license of Category I
The quality control of road construction materials, structural elements of the object under construction and in general, the quality of construction is controls by a certified road laboratory (certificate No. 69, issued on November 22, 2011) equipped with modern equipment, in accordance with the State All-Union Standard requirements.
LLP «Karaganda Zholdary» was one of the first in Karaganda to receive a Quality Management System Certificate of Conformity of National Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International Organization for Standardization 9001-2009 In 2003. Specialists of LLP have the skills and works on foreign technique and have experiences with foreign technology.
The Partnership includes 3 branches located:
- Construction Department - Karaganda;
- Road Operational Institution - 1 Botakara village;
- Road Operational Institution - 2 Osakarovka village
- Road-construction machinery fleet - more than 350 units;
- Bitumen concrete plants - 7 pieces including SPEKO with a capacity of 120 tons per hour;
- Bitumen concrete plant RD90 x - capacity 90 ton / hour;
- Crushing and screening plants - 2 pieces;
- Automated mixing plant with a capacity of 300 tons / hour - 1 piece;
- Laying and finishing machine (German, Italian production) - 3 pieces;
- Modern, electronic geodetic instruments, tachometers, batter levels.
Road maintenance

The maintenance and routine repairs of roads is perhaps the most labor-intensive part of the worker’s activity The condition of asphalt pavement, roadsides, road infrastructure elements should be regularly monitored and, if necessary, promptly eliminated defects. Especially much of a hassle for road engineering craftsmen in the spring, when the “season” of patching and sanitation of the cracks opened.
In the repairs of roads in LLP «Karaganda Zholdary», used the latest technology, which meets all modern requirements. Vehicles updates on an annual basis.
A large amount of work has been done on technical re-equipment of structural divisions (branches) in the partnership. The repairs facility of holdings of LLP fully provides independent repairs and maintenance of all equipment, technical devices and equipment.
The management of the LLP pays great attention to the quality of the work performed, all the State All-Union Standard and technical standards applicable to produced bitumen-concrete mix and crushed stone are observed. For this purpose, the road laboratory is acting, at all ACMP (Asphalt Concrete Mixing Plants) laboratory monitoring of the produced mixture is conducted. The enterprise is provided with the necessary regulatory and technical documentation: Construction norms and Regulations, National Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, International Organization for Standardization, State All-Union Standard.
Production activities are analyzed and subjected to computer processing. A geodetic service of the enterprise operates constantly.
In the course of work, all measures for the protection and preservation of the environment are observed: pollution of the surface of the ground level, basins, and the atmosphere with waste and technological impacts is not allowed; land used for road machinery temporary parking and roadside storage sites for materials is recultivated.
Road maintenance during winter

It is well known that winter in the Karaganda region lasts almost five months. It is quite difficult to build and repairs roads during this period, for obvious reasons. However, employees of LLP «Karaganda Zholdary» do not have sitting around, because the highways must be regularly cleared of snow. In winter, road workers need to be armed at all points, so that at any moment they can quickly come to grips with snow and ice. Success is determined by high technical equipment and mobility.
Snowpack persists for more than 140 days, during the winter there will certainly be some heavy snowfalls and blizzards. So that the situation does not turn into a natural disaster, on such days the road workers have to work around the clock. Auger scrapers, combined road machines, bulldozers, loaders and dump trucks of a total of more than 20 units of specialized equipment save roads from snow captivity.
The main causes of accidents associated with road conditions, is coating slipperiness. Practice shows that winter slipperiness appears almost simultaneously on a considerable length of roads.
And its elimination is associated with time consuming, technical and labor resources, which is caused by the implementation of a large-scale scope of work in difficult conditions.
LLP «Karaganda Zholdary» to combat icing harvests more than 170 tons of deicing agent. At present, the technical equipment of the devisions makes it possible to maintain a network of roads with a length of 847 km in a clean and safe state even under adverse weather conditions.
Our address:

100019, Karaganda, Stroitelnaya str 55